Saturday, May 14, 2011

Family Food Traditions

When it comes to dinners at my house during the week I am in everett with my college roommates and I'm living on a very meager budget and choice of food for meals. I have become very accustomed to making quesodillas with different choices of fillers. About once a month we make our costco trip to fill our cupboards with the essentials to  make the tried and true meals that we know we can make and afford.

On some weekends however, I travel down to my hometown to visit my family. The meals that I eat on the weekends tend to help me stay nourished for the next week. Fridays are usually pizza night at my house, and the weekends have a variety of different meals; if its nice out my dad likes to barbecue different meals and sometimes we're treated to my mom's pot roast. During the week at my families house, the meals are typically easier made meals; like frozen chicken wings, etc.

When it comes to holidays, my family pulls out the 'big guns' to make the extravagant meals. For Thanksgiving and Christmas if the holiday finds itself residing at our house that year, my mom pulls out her mom's recipe on cooking a turkey (which is both laminated and copied onto the computer) My family members help out during the procedure; each assigned to a task. Sometimes there are conflicting beliefs as to what the best course of action is when it comes to making the holiday the perfect one; in the end each holiday ends in success.

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