Friday, April 22, 2011


Soccer is a community.

Being on a soccer team is a community because you surround yourself with people who generally share the same desires and similarities.  The key thing that holds a soccer team together is the drive to succeed and better both one's ability to play soccer well and the team's ability to win. The interests that we share together as a team is that we want to be a part of a successful team that can win games and grow a good sense of cohesiveness as a team. As players we all respect and love the game of soccer, therefore we all have something great in common. When it comes to tension and differences there are many different backgrounds that people come from and sometimes that could be a problem when it comes to having many different backgrounds represented on one field.

When it comes to my soccer team I fit in pretty well. I'm generally a mild mannered and quiet person off the field so I am pretty quiet when my team and I are hanging out, but when it comes to being on the field you have to be vocal and strong willed in order to be successful. Since I was five years old I have been playing soccer and the love for the game probably will never leave me so I look forward to being able to stay a part of the soccer community for a very long time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Wallet

If you were to stumble upon my wallet you find that is mildly organized and messy at the same time. I have a sleeve filled with my various cards; debit card, drivers license, student ID, REI membership card, coffee card, vertical world membership card, health insurance card, Costco card, and various gift cards. I feel that if you were trying to figure my identity from this wallet you would assume that I am an active individual from my REI cards and rock climbing membership card. They would probably figure that I am a somewhat responsible person by carrying my health insurance card. Judging by the multiple gift cards and Costco card they could think that I am always trying to save some money from time to time. Also they were figure me to be an avid coffee drinker considering all the stamps I have on my card.